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Prostate cancer - Best Prostate Cancer treatment, Types of Treatment | Urologist in Bangalore
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Best Prostate Cancer Treatment


The best prostate cancer treatment will cure the cancer in early states and it will control and suppress its symptoms effectively in advanced stages. Prostate cancer develops in the prostate gland. The prostate gland is an integral part of the male reproductive system. It is a tiny gland that resembles a walnut. In males, the prostate gland produces seminal fluid.

The semen transports and nourishes sperm. Cancerous cells may detach from the prostate tumour and can travel through blood vessels or lymph nodes. In men, prostate cancer is common.

In most cases, prostate cancers will stay within the gland. However, in other cases, it can spread to other organs of the body. When detected early, it is easier to treat prostate cancers.

A majority of doctors will recommend active surveillance because it tends to grow slowly and stay in the gland. It is essential to opt for holistic prostate cancer treatment to stop the spread of cancer.

How Common is Prostate Cancer?

All men are at risk for prostate cancer. The most common risk factor associated with prostate cancer is age. The older a man is, the greater the chance of getting prostate cancer.

Moreover, men with a family history of prostate cancer are more likely to develop the illness. Knowing and identifying the possible symptoms of prostate cancer will help you take proper action. Some of the common symptoms associated with prostate cancer are:

  • Urinary symptoms
  • Pain in the pelvic region
  • Sexual dysfunction

If you experience any of these symptoms, consult with a reputed urologist at the earliest.

When to see the Best Doctor for Prostate Cancer Treatment?

It is a good idea to call your doctor if you experience symptoms of prostate cancer. Even if the symptoms are mild, you should seek an appointment with a urologist. Men in their late 40s should see a doctor immediately if they experience symptoms of prostate cancer.

Symptoms like blood discharge or excruciating pain may warrant an immediate screening for cancer. Here are some signs to look out for before consulting a urologist.

  • Urgent need to urinate at night
  • Painful urination or dysuria
  • Faecal incontinence
  • Weak flow of the urine
  • Blood in semen
  • Chest and hip pain

Regular screenings are the best way to stay informed and tackle prostate cancer.

Types of Prostate Cancers you should know

Almost all prostate cancers are adenocarcinomas. In other words, they are malignant tumours. Prostate cancer starts in the glands’ cells. Some of the other types of prostate cancers are as follows:

  • Sarcomas
  • Transitional cell carcinomas
  • Small cell carcinomas

Diagnosing Cancers- Things to know

Screenings are the most effective way to identify prostate cancer early. If you are at risk of developing cancer, you’ll have to undergo screening at 50 years. Here are some of the diagnostic procedures to identify prostate cancer in men.

  • Prostate Antigen Blood Test

Prostate antigen blood test, also known as PSA blood, can help identify prostate cancers. The prostate gland develops a protein called a protein-specific antigen. Elevated levels of this protein in your bloodstream may indicate cancer.

  • Digital Rectal Assessment Tests

The technician will insert a digital probe into your rectum. The prostate usually sits in front of the rectum. Problematic areas in the prostate gland may indicate cancer.

  • Biopsy

Your doctor may ask you to undergo a biopsy test to detect prostate cancer. A needle biopsy to sample tissue for cancerous cells is the obvious way to diagnose prostate cancer.

Doctors may utilise transrectal ultrasound or MRI to guide the biopsy test. Typically, doctors will ask you to undergo an MRI biopsy. This is because MRI doesn’t use any type of radiation.

Treatment Options Available for Prostate Gland

The treatment options for prostate cancer are stage-specific. Here are some of the stage-specific treatment options you should know.

Stage 1 Treatment Options

In stage 1, your prostate cancer is in the least advanced stage. This means your cancer has not spread to other organs. Treatment for stage 1 comprises surgery, radiation therapy and active surveillance. Active surveillance implies that the doctor won’t administer any type of treatment.

Instead, you have to undergo diagnostic tests routinely to see the growth of cancer. The diagnosis tests during active surveillance typically involve PSA screenings. Other stage 1 treatment options are:

  • Surgery

The urologist may recommend a radical prostatectomy to eliminate your prostate gland.

  • Radiation Therapy

It uses high-energy rays to eliminate cancer cells. Doctors may sometimes combine radiation therapy with hormone therapy to help you recuperate.

Stage 2 Treatment Options

Note that in stage 2, prostate cancer is still limited to your prostate gland. However, in stage 2, you have higher PSA and grade group levels.

Your urologist may recommend you undergo a digital rectal examination at this stage. The chances of survival in this stage are pretty high with suitable treatment options. The treatment options for stage 2 cancer patients are as follows:

  • Active Surveillance

Your urologist will check the PSA levels and extract tissue samples occasionally to search for cancerous cells.

  • Radiation Therapy

The high-energy rays used during the procedure will remove cancerous cells from your prostate gland.

  • Radical Prostatectomy Surgery

Your urologist will combine this type of surgery with radiation therapy. It removes your prostate gland along with the surrounding tissues.

Treatment for Prostate Cancer in Stage 3

Even in stage 3 of prostate cancer, people have a higher chance of surviving. Usually, stage 3 comprises the three stages- 3A, 3B and 3C.

If your cancer is in stages 3B and 3C, it may have spread beyond your prostate to nearby organs. It may spread to the lymph nodes or seminal vesicles. Here are the treatment options available to treat stage 3 prostate cancer.

  • External Radiation Therapy

It can kill malignant cells with high-energy rays.

  • Radical Prostatectomy

With the help of this surgery, the urologist can make your prostate gland. This surgery is only effective when your cancer hasn’t spread.

  • ADT

It can lower the androgen levels in your body. Low levels of androgens can stop the spread of prostate cancer.

To stay prepared during the procedures, you should inquire about prostate cancer treatment costs. During this stage, your urologist may also perform transurethral resection of the prostate. It is a specialised surgery that can help you manage bladder incontinence symptoms.

Treatment Options available at Stage 4

Note that stage 4 prostate cancer is the most advanced form. In this stage, the survival rate is pretty low. The stage 4 in prostate cancer typically comprises:

  • Stage 4A

In stage 4A, your cancer will spread to the lymph nodes. Moreover, it can affect nearby tissues located in the bladder, rectum, etc.

  • Stage 4B

In this stage, cancer has already spread to distant organs of your body.

People in stage 4A of prostate cancer should undergo the following treatment procedures.

  • Combination of Radiation and ADT

By administering radiation with ADT, doctors can eliminate cancerous cells.

  • Dissection of the Lymph Node and Radical Prostatectomy

Many doctors recommend patients undergo this procedure. This surgical procedure removes your prostate gland. Moreover, it also removes cancerous tissues in the lymph nodes.

On the other hand, if you don’t have major symptoms, your urologist may recommend the following.

  • Active surveillance
  • Hormone therapy

The survival chances are lower when you are in stage 4B of prostate cancer. You cannot eliminate a majority of prostate cancers in the 4B stage. However, timely treatment can help keep your cancer under control. Here are some treatment options for people suffering from stage 4B prostate cancer.

  • ADT

In most cases, your urologist may recommend you to opt for ADT therapy. ADT therapy can lower your testosterone levels and slow down the tumour growth. The urologist may even recommend chemotherapy with docetaxel to remove cancerous cells.

  • Undergoing Bisphosphonate Therapy

In most cases, prostate cancer can spread to the bones. This type of therapy helps alleviate pain in the bones.

  • Radiation Therapy with Alpha Emitters

It is a specialised type of radiation therapy that can treat prostate cancer spread to your bones.

  • Undergoing the TURP Surgery

If you are experiencing urinary obstruction, opting for TURP surgery may help.

  • Orchiectomy

It involves the removal of the testis along with the prostate glands.

Note that most of these treatments will help you palliate and live longer. Discussing these treatment options with your family members and urologist is essential.

Active surveillance and frequent screenings may be ideal for patients with stage 1 and 2 prostate cancers. Implementing good dietary and lifestyle changes will help you suppress the symptoms longer.

If you want some viable treatment options for prostate cancer in Bangalore, consult with Dr Prabhudev Solanki. He is one of the most experienced uro-oncologists and endo-oncologists in Southern India. He possesses more than thirty years of experience in treating prostate cancer patients. You should consult with him to know about prostate cancer treatment costs.